Create Winning Experiences brings together consumers of the bread and artisan bakers.
Consumers of the bread.

Artisan Bakers.

In united states , 38% of all grain products, including over 240 millions slices of bread are wasted each year.
This makes bread the most wasted food type in the country. enable the system where is bread will be bake only after consumer of the bread, ordered and paid for bread.
Elimination of the wasted bread will financially benefit consumers of the bread and artisan bakers.
To become artisan baker, one simply need permanent – apartment or house. can provides job for stay at home people. brings artisan bread bakers into the any community, for more convenience closer to the consumers of the bread residency.
Benefits for the bread consumers:
- lover cost for bread, because elimination of wast of bread.
- baker will bake the bread in which one interesting. For example: sourdough – rye bread. Etc
- Ability consumers of the bread talk directly to the artisan baker, about test and quality of the bread.
- many locations of the artisans bakers, what will make enable consumers of the bread to choose artisan baker which is closer to the home.
Benefit for the Artisan bakers.
- much easier to enter into the business of banking bread.
a. no needs to buy/rent real estate and equipment for the bread baking shop.
b. brings bread consumers directly to the shop. - communicate requirements from the consumers of the bread directly to the artisan bakers.
- unite all artisan bakers:
a. to improve training;
b. find and acquire – deployment of the specific equipment for bread baking;
c. centralize process of purchasing supply and row materials.
Start Now to Success
How to become artisan baker?
Frequently Asked Questions
- who to contact : call; email;
- what to do if you consumer of the bread?
- what to do if you want to become artisan baker? who to contact about of it?
- where to learn about of the trade of artisan baker?
- how to search for artisan baker near me?
- how to find more information about about artisan bakers? information such as references about artisan baker? what others consumers say about particular artisan baker?
- where to find more information about trade of artisan baker? where to find specific equipment? where to find more information about supply to run the business of artisan baker?
- how to communicate with artisan baker?
- how to order and pay for the bread?
- how to artisan baker can communicate with consumers of the bread?
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